America’s Cup Legacy – Environment Court Evidence

America’s Cup Legacy – Environment Court Evidence

In 2018, planning for the next America’s Cup development was fully underway.

Visitor Solutions’ Craig Jones was commissioned by Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) to compile and present expert witness and supporting evidence on the legacy outcomes from the proposed development, i.e. how the proposed spaces and buildings would be utilised following the event.  This included consideration of events, tourism, arts, cultural and community development opportunities from the facilities created. The evidence was based on extensive data analysis, detailed research, an assessment of potential user demands and an assessment of facilities currently supplied. This material was compiled and presented as evidence in Environment Court hearings. The evidence provided was uncontested in the Environment Court.

Major Events Resource Bank

Major Events Resource Bank

The New Zealand Association of Event Professionals Inc. engaged Visitor Solutions to develop a number of new content modules for the online Major Events Resource Bank.

The aim of the Bank is to help event managers achieve a consistently high standard of event management and delivery via resources such as planning advice, sample checklists, templates and other related materials. Working with a number of other specialists, Visitor Solutions successfully produced content modules pertaining to Foreign Exchange, Insurance, Governance, Strategic & Business Planning, and Underwriting. Visitor Solutions was contracted to deliver the strategic and business planning model as a series of national workshops around New Zealand.

Auckland Masters

Auckland Masters

Aktive – Auckland Sport and Recreation and key partners Sport New Zealand, ATEED, NZ Masters Games and NZ Major Events commissioned Visitor Solutions and Market Economics to investigate the feasibility of holding an Auckland Masters Games event as a legacy of the forthcoming World Masters Games 2017.

The study considered such areas as establishing an event niche, determining sports codes’ willingness to participate, establishing high level operational issues, commenting on governance and delivery structures, assessing revenue and operational costs, developing a preliminary financial model, identifying risk areas, and at a high level determining the event’s likely economic impact.

Queenstown Winter Festival

Queenstown Winter Festival

The organisers of the iconic Queenstown Winter Festival reached out to our team by undertaking an event and business optimisation assessment including investigation into the event long-term sustainability.

Then Festival Director Simon Green incorporated the findings into future planning for the festival and was able to make externally qualified recommendations to the board regarding structural and operational improvements, potential revenue sources and initiatives for targeting and securing revenue from the often hard to reach visitor market.